Sunday, December 30, 2012

Winter Wonderland

 I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really glad for the two feet of snow we've had over the past couple of days.  We've been out and about exploring Vermont, laughing as the dogs bury themselves into the snow.



 Even Frosty is as happy as can be.

Today marked an epic adventure of Cross Country Skiing with our friends Dave and Sarah.  We found it to be quite the fun event, with minimal falls and wipeouts.  Lesson learned: Teresa and Dave should NOT go downhill skiing...EVER! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

White Christmas

We had a lovely Christmas here in Vermont. Christmas eve was peaceful with our dinner by candlelight (thanks to a wonderful suggestion by Gamma).  The candlelight was continued at breakfast the next morning. We then had a yummy Quiche with fruit salad and yogurt.

Baby Jesus appeared in the manger overnight, snow was falling from the sky in the morning and frosty was smiling away (thanks to his new light bulb). Anyone know when he last had a light change? We opened presents first: Santa was good to Eric. He was given a banana, socks (never mind that they were already his), a lottery ticket (he won $2!), and a Vermont and Bike ornament. Santa brought Teresa an ornament from Africa. So we placed all three on our antler tree.

The dogs enjoyed opening their presents from Santa Paws.  They had a good tug and in about 3 minutes all of but destroyed the home-made toy.  The best part is that we save the stuffing and will recycle it into another toy next year! 

My favorite was Piper's excitement over a package from Grandma.  She began to self-open it and ran around with it in her mouth, tail wagging.  We figured it must be something very yummy.

Turns out it was a poo bag holder:)
Milo is practicing his mouse-catching skills.  We caught another mouse on Christmas morning, so he was released at the same spot his little friend was released the day before when we went on our Christmas morning hike.  

The Wilderness Area was beautiful with all the fresh fallen snow.  Anyone notice Izzy in the photo?  She and Piper were having a blast eating the powdery snow. 

When we arrived home, we watched some claymation Christmas classics, played boardgames, and just relaxed.  Ahhh....

Monday, December 24, 2012

Don't eat the yellow snow.

Our dogs love the snow.  They love to jump in it and chase snowballs, but most of all they like to eat it.  They walk along, noses to the ground, grabbing mouthfuls of the cold, white treat.  This is a common practice, which inevitably by halfway through the walk they're now stopping every 5 minutes to pee, Piper always in the lead.  Yesterday's walk was no different.  They were running and eating up a storm.  Piper stopped to pee briefly then continued on.  Izzy, following close behind, was innocently munching mouthfuls of snow.  She was doing this in such a methodical manner, that she obviously didn't realize the yellow snow right in front of her.  She grabbed a mouthful, immediately spit it out, shook her head, and then simply moved forward down the trail continuing to eat snow.  The moral of the story....don't eat the yellow snow.

I am also happy to share that last night the grandest of things occurred...I caught a mouse.  FINALLY!

Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm starting to see a pattern...

It's a wonder to me up here how I can go to bed at night and wake up in the morning to 3 inches of this beautiful white snow and yet somehow no one ever mentioned it was coming!  Does no one up here offer warning of impending storms or is this merely viewed as a sprinkling? 
At least we can go try out those new snowshoes!