Well, I think it has officially happened...Silver Hill Farm has gone to the birds. As previously reported, the new layers have "graduated" to the coop with the older girls. After the establishment of a new "pecking order" and some creative maneuvering by Teresa to keep the peace, it appears that all is reasonably harmonious again. George is pictured below.
With the six chicks out of the house and in the barn, there has been a distinct lack of chirping in the mud room. As luck would have it, our turkeys landed a few days early on Wednesday. The new birds seem to be settling into the water trough brooder quite well. They seem to be living up to their reputation as being...not having such good self preservation instincts. The turkeys eagerly run straight up to one's hand when in the brooder as compared to the chickens who scatter. Apparently, a baby turkey's prime activity is figuring out creative ways to kill itself. We hope to prevent our six from succeeding.
Not to be outdone, our layers appear to be taking field trips to the hay bales to make a cozy place for egg laying.
We continue to have regular hummingbird visits in the mornings and evenings and have confirmed that we have a pair of Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. Eric even spotted them together at the feeder. The female is peeking out below.
Teresa continues to hone her amateur wildlife photography skills and shot this bluebird while stalking hummingbirds.
Our little goat friends are doing well but had a rough morning at the veterinarian. They were disbudded/neutered as appropriate and received CD/T shots. Needless to say, things are quiet in the pen right now as they all recover.