Thursday, September 25, 2014

"I'm so ticked off I'm molting..."

Contrary to the famous words of Iago from Aladdin, birds do not molt out of anger.  We continue to learn new things every day about farm-life.  Molting appears to be a normal part of the chicken's cycle.  The other day we noticed a lot of white feathers in the chicken fence, which from experience causes us to panic and do a head count. All 14 girls were accounted for, but the one Colombian looked rather rough.  She looked as though someone had been plucking her bum.  After research, it appears that around 1 year old, all chickens molt.  This process helps to create a fresh coat of feathers and during this time they also stop laying eggs while their reproductive tract rejuvenates.  (This explains to lack of egg laying lately).  During molting, chickens need extra protein to help with these processes, so each morning the girls have been getting a cup of sunflower seeds, much to their delight.  Nothing makes one smile more than a half-naked chicken.  Here are some humorous photos.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Green eggs and turkey.

This Sunday marked a very exciting milestone:  Our first green egg!!!!

We also said goodbye to our dominant Tom on Sunday as well.  He was HUGE and there was no way he was going to make it until Thanksgiving and still fit into an oven.  We may have to process the other male prior to Thanksgiving as well.  Who knew that turkeys grew so fast!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Teresa the entrepreneur

Over the weekend marked the grand opening of Teresa's pumpkin stand.  Sales for the weekend totaled $39.00 and included the sale of 6 large pumpkins and 31 gourds!!  Teresa is now VERY excited for next fall and already has plans to expand the pumpkin patch.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

You say potato, I say potahto...

Over Labor Day weekend, we had help from the lovely Burdine Clan digging out our red potatoes.  The final harvest weighed in at 105 pounds total!  This past Saturday, we dug the remaining bed of potatoes (which consisted of 4 different types of white potatoes).  While we didn't weigh the crop, we are positive we won't run out of potatoes until 2052!!!  If you come to visit, be prepared to eat a lot of potato dishes (breakfast potatoes, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, potato soup...etc.)
And in the spirit of Adleigh: 
"Knock, knock"  
Who's there?
Potato who?
"Aren't you glad I didn't say potato?"