Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bag O' Worms

The newest project on Silver Hill Farm:  Worm Composting.

We now host over 2,000 worms in our basement in the new worm compost bag we bought from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.  Vermont is creating a mandatory composting law by the year 2020, so we're just getting a jump start on things.  No more trash for us!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hair dandruff or snow?

Here is the beautiful scenic view from our new favorite secret hike.  The day was perfect with an array of colors visible as far as the horizon.
Where you ask is this hike?  Well if we told you, we'd have to kill you!    

Take a peek at the weather a few days later.  No, that white stuff sprinkling the ground is not hair dandruff from a local giant, it's SNOW! October! our yard!  I am so not ready for winter yet.

Friday, October 9, 2015


One might say Friday nights on Silver Hill Farm are not your typical Friday nights.  Tonight's activity: chicken foot surgery.
After Teresa noticed a large bump on the silver lace hen's foot, Eric proceeded to perform groundbreaking foot surgery on her, a full on I&D (incision and debridement) of the wound with a utility knife and peroxide.  The Hen tolerated the procedure well and is now happily scratching in the pen with an amazing foot bandage applied. 
So we now say, Bumblefoot!  One might be temped to say, "God bless you," but do not be fooled, it is merely a staph infection of a chicken foot.  Nurse Teresa will check on the bandages tomorrow and observation will continue....