Friday, July 27, 2018

Maiden Voyage

The Epic camper took her maiden voyage to Wilgus State Park!  We  stayed close to home for our first trip so we could take care of the animals in the evening, but were still able to enjoy a peaceful change of scenery.  The dogs also enjoyed their time swimming, hiking and laying by the campfire.   We even survived a torrential downpour without any leaks in the camper.  All and all I'd say the trip was a success.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Digging Pigs

The pigs continue to grow well.  They survived the week of 90 degree weather in Vermont, with the help of some cold sponge baths from Teresa.  We've extended their electric fence area and it's been incredible to watch them dig up their environment.  
This is about 2 weeks of handiwork:


Here are some updated photos of the crew.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Oh Deer!

I went out to the garden the other morning to pick some strawberries and much to my horror, the plants had been munched!  I had just recently told our neighbor that in all the years we've had a garden here (6 now), the deer have never bothered our crops.  Guess I didn't knock on enough wood because there I was staring at hoof prints and MANY missing leaves.  We researched a plan of attack and settled for the old "bait and switch."  Well not really bait and switch, but we did use fishing line to fence in all the garden beds.  Apparently in the dark the deer, who cannot see the line, will run into it, thus creeping them out.  I imagine that it feels similar to when I walk smack dab into some invisible spider web and totally FREAK OUT anticipating a spider to waltz across my face at any moment, causing me to bust out some pretty great dance moves trying to avoid this potential horror.  Well, perhaps the deer don't qualify for the later part of my scenario, but if they do I will be sure to post a YouTube video of this great event.  
I'm not sure how scientific this all is, but I can attest to the fact that the following morning, no further leaves had been eaten.  I call that a success!