Sunday, August 19, 2012

The beet goes on.

Things have been rather busy up here in Vermont for the last week or so.  Here is the recap:

  • As you saw yesterday, we did just fine at the Harpoon Point to Point.  Thanks again to all who donated to the cause.  The tandem is great fun and is allowing for the exploration of some new locales.
  • The "Noodle Report":  The baby red tailed hawk that I (Eric) found while mountain biking is actually a broad winged hawk.  The good folks at VINS made the correct identification according the unique sounds that broad wings make.  Otherwise, Noodle is eating and growing well.  He has almost all of his flight feathers.  If everything continues to go well with him, we should be reporting on his release in the next week or two.
  • Things have been very "agricultural" around here.   The garden continues to be very productive.  All of the potatoes are dug and we have been enjoying tomatoes, kohlrabi,  and beets.  A cabbage was harvested yesterday.  We have about four gallons of beans in the freezer and they keep coming.  Zucchini production is slowing but the pumpkins and corn (sweet and popcorn) seem to be doing well.  Last weekend, I attended the Billings Farm Antique Tractor show.  Twenty-two tractors were being displayed and participated in the tractor parade.  I believe the oldest was from 1937 and a few were driven by their original owner or were in the same family for several generations.  We were able to see a nice display of more tractors last night at the Cornish Fair.  There were antique tractors and souped up tractor pull riding mowers.  We watched the ox pull for quite some time.  The winning team did a full pull of over 11,000 pounds.
  •  Be sure to check our Flickr for recent photos and feel free to leave comments.

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