Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Under Construction: The Chicken Fortress

The day after the fox took off with one of our girls, we put up an electric fence.  Sunday, a raccoon managed to slide under a gap in the fence (in the middle of the day) and killed two more of the girls.  I had him shut into the chicken coop at one point after a lot of kicking and yelling (on my part) and hissing (on his part).  Sadly, he escaped, but phase 2 of protecting our chickens went into action.
Phase Two:
  - Buy a trap, rifle and cinder blocks
Night 1 saw no activity in the trap.  I spent all day digging trenches under the fence and placing cinder blocks in order to prevent animals from digging under the fence.  As you can see, the girls and Silver were helping to spread the dirt.

I can only hope this works.  One blogger suggested landmines and barbed wire.  I don't think we're there quite yet....

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