Thursday, December 17, 2015

Lola's First Date

I suppose that there comes a time in every dad's life when he needs to send his little girl out into the world to experience life...and to meet boys.  That time came for Lola late last week. 

She and I took a ride in the Taco up and over the Green Mountains to visit Troy, his herd of 32 milkers, and this guy...

Meet Red.  Red joined Malawi (our crew's dad) this fall as one of Troy's herd sires.  Red was VERY interested in Lola.  He was perhaps a bit too interested and his attempts to win her affection only made our Lola more unsure of him.  It was quite a display.  Since we aren't quite sure of how successful the breeding was, we might actually bring Red here to Silver Hill in the hope that we can still squeeze some kids out of this breeding season.
It was a fun trip over the mountain...54 degrees and sunny in December.  As a bonus, my hands smelled of goat for about a day after our mission despite many washings.

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