Sunday, March 20, 2016

So it begins...

The "Critter Hauler" was called in to action for the second time yesterday and two new friends came bumping home over muddy, rutted roads.  We welcome Flash and Ringo, this year's Jersey bull calves, to Silver Hill Farm.  Two and one week old, respectively, they already seem to be fitting right in to our barn.  Being our second go around with these critters certainly seems to make things a bit easier and we are back in action carrying full four pint calf bottles back and forth to the barn.  Even naming the boys took far less consideration.  In case you are wondering, Flash was named for his white spots and uncanny ability to evade capture during loading in the truck.  The name given by the farm kids, Wind Rider, fit well but is a bit unwieldy and hard to remember.  Though a week younger and much smaller than Flash, Ringo has already shown his exuberant personality.  He just is a Ringo.  Pictures in their designer calf blankets to follow.
Happy first day of Spring.

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