Monday, May 9, 2016

The kids have arrived. Twins!

Today we welcomed Lola's babies to Silver Hill Farm!  One twin looks identical to Lola and the other looks just like Lola's mother.
We have spent the past 4 days waiting for Lola to kid.  This is said to be similar to waiting on molasses in's VERY SLOW!  Saturday night, Eric and I took turns going out to the barn every 1-2 hours to check on Lola.  She seemed to have a knack for showing signs of labor right before bedtime.  She'd stop laboring in the early morning and go all day as though she were perfectly fine and not ready to kid at all.  As she reached 151 days today, we felt certain the kids would come soon.  Last night I came upon Lola at 4:00am standing on the hay trough ledge, staring into space, contracting, while the other two goats slept.  At lunchtime I called from work to check in on the progress and Eric informed me that he just finished checking on Lola and she had amber colored mucous, a good sign that the kids were soon to follow.  He checked in on her again around 1:30pm to find her resting on the ground.  
Eric walked over to the neighbors, who ironically had a handyman there who has raised goats for the past 20+ years.  He informed Eric that when Lola was kidding she's scream so loud it would be impossible to miss.  The silence from the barn was a good sign.  Thirty minutes after he last checked in on her, Eric rounded the side of the barn with water buckets.  He heard a small bleating coming from inside.  Eric arrived to find 2 kids, both clean and dry!  
Apparently Lola is a champion at birthing kids.  Within 30 minutes she managed to deliver both kids and completely clean them off without a sound!  After all this waiting and watching and late night barn checks, I missed the births altogether...and well, Eric managed to watch Lola birth the final placenta.

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