Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer Vacation

We had a great time in both Banff National Park and Jasper National Park last week.  Over 4 days we managed to hike over 40 miles with a total elevation gain of about 10,000 feet.

The fields were all in bloom with wildflowers during our hike of Sentinel Pass.

Eric continues to have great wildlife eyes and managed to spot a momma grizzly bear and her cub digging on the mountain.  This was the second grizzly spotted that day, as the group hiking ahead of us had a juvenile male cross the path in front of them a few hours prior.  Eric not only remains excellent at spotting wildlife, but apparently is very attractive to them as well!!
  This rare breed of wildlife was also spotted...
oh wait, no, sorry...
that's just Eric being weird! 

Overall it was a great trip, with great friends.

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