Sunday, September 11, 2016

Acadia National Park

We just returned home from a few days at Acadia National Park, celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary.  Yup, still married to this guy:

We had a great time visiting the tidal pools and watching the crabs fight over mussels as the tides flowed out to the ocean.  During low tide we were able to hike across to Bar Island on the sand bar, which is so fun to see during high tide as the island is completely surrounded by water.  We went for many hikes throughout the park, one of our favorites went from our Bed and Breakfast (the Cranberry Hill Inn), across the causeway and up to the top of flying mountain.  From there you can look down the fiord (the only one on the Eastern coast of the US)!  Our favorite activity was exploring the area via the many carriage roads on our tandem bike. We never made it into the main part of the park or around the loop road by car...maybe next trip.

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