Monday, December 12, 2016

Winter Harvest

We were a bit slow on the harvesting of carrots this year and quickly found ourselves in a bind.  About 2 weeks ago we had out first snowfall the night before Teresa was planning on picking the carrots.  The raised bed was completely covered in snow and the soil was frozen solid.  Eric covered the carrots with plastic in the hope that the sun would melt the snow, but this past week has continued to see multiple snowfalls and temperatures in the single digits!  Needless to say it was becoming obvious that the ground was not going to thaw again until the spring.  Yesterday, Eric wandered out through the snow into the garden with a shovel.  He shoveled snow to clear the top of the veggies, and then proceeded to dig into the frozen ground with a shovel.  The result was rather successful...
A December carrot harvest!  Better late than never!

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