Friday, June 2, 2017

From Paris to West Windsor

This post was to wait until later this month to celebrate the one year anniversary of our going to solar power.  Unfortunately, our federal government continues to lead us astray by ignoring the realities of climate change and we have withdrawn from the Paris Agreement.  Without becoming overly political, I will simply offer a few statistics of how successful our solar array has been as one of the efforts that we are making at decreasing our impact on the environment. 

In a little less than a year, we have generated a total of 5.17MWh of electricity.  To put that in terms that make sense, that is the equivalent of 15,661.63 light bulbs running for an entire day.  That equals 8,002.95 pounds of CO2 emissions saved or 201.57 trees planted. 

Apparently, a major motivation behind withdrawing from the Paris Agreement was that it was "bad for American workers."  We are American workers and we have not paid an electric bill for over a year because we care about climate change.  In fact, we have a credit with our power company for generating more electricity than we use.  That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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