Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Chicken Detective

Back earlier in the summer, we debated whether or not to kill off our old egg hens and buy a new batch of chicks.  The egg production was low (3-5 eggs per day) from the 16 remaining hens.  Ultimately, we opted to wait until next year.  Two weeks ago, however, when we started getting 1 egg per day, we decided some of the hens had to go!

This was a difficult decision to make, as we had no idea who wasn't laying eggs.  So Eric set-up the game camera each morning and each evening, Teresa played "chicken detective" to try and deduce which birds were laying which eggs.  After almost two weeks of monitoring and some humorous photos, we can confidently say that 7 of the hens haven't laid a single egg!  

Six hens will shortly be removed from the coop.  The 7th is our barred rock from our first batch of chicks 4 years ago,   We will give the old bird a pass!

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