Friday, May 11, 2018

Freedom Rangers

We're switching it up this year.  We typically raise Cornish Cross chickens (aka: Frankin-chickens) for our meat each year, but this year we're trying out Freedom Rangers.  This breed grows a bit slower than the Cornish crosses do, but the meat is apparently very tasty!  

We also got a little smarter and decided that instead of buying a ridiculous amount of laying hens (giving us TONS of eggs at once followed by no eggs, resorting to spying with the game camera - see "The Chicken Detective" post) that we would buy small batches of hens each year.  This year we got 2 Araucana and 2 Welsummer chicks.  Both should lay fun colorful eggs, making them distinctly different from the current hens.  Now we just have to hope that none of them are roosters!

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