Saturday, April 11, 2020

Aerial Predator

And now for some COVID-19 reading material...
Today was a busy day of cleaning the goat pens of a whole winter's worth of bedding pack.  It is a smelly and back straining job but we had a beautiful day for this necessary task.  The goats were in the pasture and the chickens were contentedly pecking about in the yard.  Suddenly, from the front of the barn, a proper ruckus could be heard around the corner.  Chickens were squawking and feathers were flapping.  Rounding the corner to investigate, Eric determined that the very large bald eagle that was swooping out of a nearby maple tree was to blame.  The chickens scattered into the barn and the eagle flew over the yard and house, circling and climbing into the sky.  The poor chickens cowered in the barn for the remainder of the day and the eagle was not seen again.  Interestingly, we lost a very old and slow moving chicken last week to an unknown predator.  It now appears that this was not the eagle's first visit to the farm and had returned for another chicken meal.

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