Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Spice Swines

The piglets are settling in nicely now.  They've quickly learned at we typically come bearing gifts of tomatoes, cucumbers and the occasional vanilla cupcake.  They're venturing out into the yard more now and we often find them bedded down in the weeds, napping.
They are named from left to right as follows:
Peppercorn, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, and Rosemary.
Peppercorn is our sweet gentle boy. Nutmeg a typical nutty energetic pig.  Cinnamon is the smallest by far, but he holds his own at the food bowl, acting as one of the food bullies. He will "sit" for food treats, which cracks us up.  Rosemary is our only girl.  She's very brave and social.


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