Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baby Loons and Farm Updates

We had a relaxing day Saturday at a lake in Island Pond, VT.  Eric read on the beach while Teresa napped.  At one point we noticed loons nearby, however there was a special treat....two babies!  It was so much fun watching the loons dive under the water and come back up with small fish.  They would then swim over to the babies with fish in mouth and feed them.  A few times the babies stuck their heads into the water, as if testing this whole fishing idea out.  It was such a nice afternoon.

We have diagnosed Abby with goat polio (which thankfully, unlike human polio, can be cured).  A few shots of vitamin B and she seems back to her normal self.  

It appears Eric was correct as Teresa must now admit George does not look anything like a rooster.  He shall hence-forth be called "Georgette". 

Our injured turkey is doing so well.  Her wing seems back to normal and she is now limping along using both legs!  The first time we say her walking it almost made Teresa cry...what a fighter!

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