Tuesday, June 7, 2016


It has been a while since the last bee update and almost as long since I have been in the hives to check on their progress.  I have been too busy with other projects to do much with the bees but they seem to be quite happy every time that I pass by.  The other day, I had one sting me on my forehead quite randomly so I took that as a sign that I should take a peak.  Both hives are looking very strong.  The bees have lots of honey, pollen, and brood.

Hive "A" had so much comb that they had some stuck to the underside of the inner cover...right where I really didn't want it.  Not wanting to waste the comb and honey contained within, I retrieved a bowl and set about with scraping.  The bees were not at all impressed by my behavior and, despite my attempts to calm them with some smoke, I was stung again.  Impressively, this time I had been stung right through my canvas work pants.  Luckily, I was able to quickly finish my work and leave the bees to themselves.  I was able to collect approximately 2 1/2 pounds of honey by crushing and straining the comb just that I had scraped off.  Not too shabby.

Oh, and about those stings...I have some new defenses.  Enter the UltraBreeze bee suit.  It is pretty much the top of the line bee suit which is about as "sting proof" as possible for the next time that I visit the hives located over my left shoulder.  

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