Saturday, January 21, 2017

Women's March in Montpelier

We traveled to Montpelier today to join the Women's March and arrived about 1 hour prior to the start time.  We parked at least 1 mile away from the start of the march (it was packed!) and traveled with the many Vermonters who were descending onto our state's capitol from all directions. 
The march started promptly at 1pm, but we didn't start moving until closer to 1:20pm.  People were everywhere, donned in pink and carrying signs of unity and equality.  A surprise visit from Senator Bernie Sanders caused the crowd to erupt into a deafening roar. 
Total estimated marchers: 15,000
Can I point out that equals 5% of Vermont's entire state population?  The Vermont State police closed down 3 exits (Montpelier itself and the two exits on either side) due to extreme traffic. 
We love our state!!!  Love trumps hate!!!

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